Tips: Banking Issues

Some people often get into problems when dealing with banking-related issues. To make sure you are not part of them, we suggest you to follow these tips from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

Read the terms and conditions of a contract carefully

You have to read and understand the terms and conditions of an agreement/contract for any loan or investment related product prior to signing any related documents.

Responsibilities of a guarantor

You have to understand the responsibilities and obligations of a guarantor. Guarantors are legally bound to make repayment if the borrower fails to settle the loan.

Disclosure of financial information

Do not disclose your financial information such as account number, credit card number, password and other personal particulars to third parties either via telephone, e-mails or any links in websites.

Transactions at ATM machines

Do not allow third parties to make transactions at ATM machines on your behalf, even to those whom you know such as your spouse.

Credit card transactions

Credit cards should be used as a payment instrument and utilisation should be within your means. Please verify the amount swiped after each credit card transaction and make sure the card returned belongs to you.

Submission of documents

Be cautious before submitting photocopies of your identification card or passport to third parties, other than to financial institutions or lawyers acting on your behalf.

Internet banking facilities

Do not be deceived into opening an internet banking account in order to win prizes or inheritance from an unknown party. This could be a scam! If you have already done so, contact and report to your bank and to the police immediately for their further action, also keep Bank Negara Malaysia informed.

Memory cache function

Do make sure that you have log-out properly after using the internet banking and clear the memory cache after completing the transactions.
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